Well, I have received my mission call to serve in Kyiv, Ukraine. I can hardly believe that this day has come. It is truly a dream come true. I know that I, Jordan Kelley, am supposed to serve in this mission. I know that the call is from God, my loving Heavenly Father. Indeed, I believe that mission calls are chosen from the pre-mortal life. I feel this belief for three reasons: my patriarchal blessing, my mission call, and my prayers.
Now, I must prepare to leave and report to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah. There's alot to do. First on the list, is starting this blog. I had the idea to document my mission in three phases: Three months before reporting to the MTC, two years in the mission field, and the first three months after I come home. I love to document aspects and events in life, and then look back on those events during the years after. I begin this blog also for my posterity. In the world of technology in which we live, it is my hope that I will be able to show my children the pictures and stories of my full-time labor in the Lord's Vineyard in a way that is more interesting than physical books and letters (albeit physical books and letters will still be a part of it). So I hope that anyone who reads this blog and follows it regularly (yeah, right haha) enjoys what they read and will find touching experiences that lift them up to serve their brother's and sister's of God.
So hear we go! Wish me luck and pray for my family as I take this "small step for [myself], one giant leap for [Christ]."
-Jordan M. Kelley